1.1 Introduction to the Manual

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1. Context

These procedures have been drawn up from the government: Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023.

These procedures have been written in such a way as to encourage closer working between agencies regarding the assessment of need, the planning and the delivery of services. The purpose being that early intervention in a supportive way is likely to be of greater use to the family and child and will avoid the need for a Child Protection Conference and/or Care Proceedings.

The manual reflects current legislation, government statutory guidance and expectations, and accepted best practice.

2. Relationship of Policy, Procedure and Guidance


The Surrey Safeguarding Children Partnership Policy is articulated in the Policy Principles and Values Procedure.

If necessary, agencies may develop supplementary 'internal' policies which represent higher standards or which reflect an agency-specific contribution to safeguarding children and child protection.

In order to maintain the strategic advantage of an inter-agency approach, any such supplementary policies should be consistent with those in this Manual.


Procedures indicate what must or may be done in specified circumstances and define the limits of professional discretion.

For staff in those agencies that formally adopt them, these procedures have the status of instructions and any inability or failure to comply with them should be accompanied by a brief explanation.

Any supplementary internal procedures developed by agencies should also refer to, and comply with these procedures.

It is anticipated that these procedures will also inform and support effective collaboration with the large number of non-statutory agencies and organisations and individual professionals whose contributions also assist in safeguarding Surrey's children.


Guidance provides contextual information or addresses the question of why specified actions may be required.


3. Accessing Guidance and Protocols

Where there is relevant government guidance on a particular issue, reference is made to it in the procedure chapter and a link provided to the relevant website.


4. Relevant Staff

The contents of this manual are for application by staff in the following agencies with responsibilities for children in Surrey.

  • Surrey Children's and Safeguarding Service;
  • Surrey Police Service and the Transport Police;
  • All Health Services and Health Professionals;
  • County Council Services such as:
    • Schools and Learning;
    • Libraries;
    • Youth Services.
  • District Council Services such as Housing, and Leisure Services;
  • Probation, Youth Offending Teams (YOTs) and the Prison Service;
  • Children and Families Courts Advisory and Support Service (CAFCASS);
  • Surrey Early Years and Childcare Service;
  • Courts;
  • Crown Prosecution Service (CPS);
  • UK Visas and Immigration and Refugee Council;
  • Office for the Standards in Education and Surrey Children's Services (OFSTED);
  • Sure Start and Children's Fund;
  • Fire and Emergency Planning Authority & Ambulance Service;
  • The voluntary sector.

5. Terminology

A glossary of terms which have a technical significance or for which abbreviations may be used in the text, is provided in the Keywords Appendix, which can be accessed from the left hand menu.

This page is correct as printed on Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 09:10:39 AM please refer back to this website (http://surreyscb.procedures.org.uk) for updates.